Types of TAF connections
Quick-lock Truss FT/PT/LT
The most popular of aluminium truss connection type is the quick-lock or conical system. It is very simple so anyone is abl to connect two pieces of truss together. All you need to create solid and strong connection between two pieces is set of aluminium conical connectors (number depends on the number of pipes you want to connect), set of steel safety pins and safety clips.
FT – FT type of conical connection is compatible with most weel-known brands on the market such as Eurotruss and Global Truss
PT – PT type of conical connection is compatible with Prolyte brand of trusses.
LT – LT type of connection is both conical and bolted and represents compatibility with Litec brand of trusses. Here the conical connection is first step of connecting the trusses as it also has to be secured through the end casted frames by bolting them together at each truss connection point.
Basically, insert the conical connector into the truss pipe so the larger hole on connector allignes with the larger hole on the end fitting, insert conical steel pin (usage of hammer is allowed) in a way that the small hole at the end of the conical pin is visible and at least 1-2mm from the pipe surface in order to be able to get the safety clip through this hole and thus secure he pin from falling out of the connection. Repeat on all pipes of the truss system you use and the connection is done.
Bolted Truss (FTB)
With bolted truss also called plated truss is the connection carried out through aligning the end plates of the trusses to a position in which the connecting holes fit perfectly in order to be able to put screws through them and secure them with nuts. Usually, there are four connecting points on the plated trusses. As for the bolts and nuts we standardly deliver the trusses with one set of M16x40 8.8 DIN933 material. It is necessary to have proper tools in order to secure this connection type perfectly and make sure each connecting point is inspected before the truss is used.
Fork Truss (GS)
Probably the most popular type of connection for bigger rental companies that are almost constantly on tour. The connection itself is carried out through two opposing types of fork ends, male and female, that are coupled together by safety pin that is secured by either safety clip or a nut. That means that you always connect one female end of the truss to the male end of the second truss piece and so on. Depending on the type of the fork truss structure both fork ends and size of the safety pin vary. Usage of hammer for placing the pin into the fork ends holes is allowed.